
Module Contents


persp3D_multiscaleMosum(x[, mosum_args, threshold, ...])

3D Visualisation of multiscale MOSUM statistics

mosum.persp3D.persp3D_multiscaleMosum(x, mosum_args=dict(), threshold=['critical_value', 'custom'][0], alpha=0.1, threshold_function=None, palette=cm.coolwarm, xlab='G', ylab='time', zlab='MOSUM')

3D Visualisation of multiscale MOSUM statistics

  • x (list) – input data

  • mosum_args (dict) – dictionary of keyword arguments to mosum

  • threshold (Str) – indicates which threshold should be used to determine significance. By default, it is chosen from the asymptotic distribution at the given significance level ‘alpha`. Alternatively it is possible to parse a user-defined function with ‘threshold_function’.

  • alpha (float) – numeric value for the significance level with ‘0 <= alpha <= 1’; use iff ‘threshold = “critical_value”’

  • threshold_function (function) –

  • palette (matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap) – colour palette for plotting, accessible from

  • xlab (Str) – axis labels for plot

  • ylab (Str) – axis labels for plot

  • zlab (Str) – axis labels for plot


>>> import mosum
>>> xx = mosum.testData("blocks")["x"]
>>> mosum.persp3D_multiscaleMosum(xx)